Teaching Philosophy

"It is the supreme art of the teacher to awaken joy in creative expression and knowledge." ~Albert Einstein

Being able to positively impact children's lives through my employment makes me really happy. I am a teacher, and it is what I've always wanted to do. When I was a kid and I didn't comprehend what was being discussed in class, I remember being so unhappy in class. My learning problem was recognized by a committed teacher who worked to help me. I must thank this incredible teacher who transformed my life for my accomplishment. Because of those experiences, I am who I am today and now work with others. I support kids who are adjusting intellectually and culturally to our American school systems. I'm really proud to be in this position making a difference and I enjoy my job.

The fundamental goal of my teaching strategies is to motivate students to learn the material while also helping them to acquire the abilities they need to independently investigate the material and come to informed judgments. Through encouraging peer teamwork, being conscious of various learning styles, teaching across subject boundaries, offering individualized accommodations, involving students in goal setting when appropriate, and being able to spot and seize teachable moments, I am dedicated to inspiring this critical exploration. Creative lesson planning can encourage all of these methodologies.

Goals and Classroom Implementation

“The Responsive Classroom approach creates an ideal environment for learning--every teacher should know about it.” ― Daniel Goleman


Units and lessons should be developed and put into practice based on standards, materials available, student interest, and cross-curricular topics. Develop lessons that are based on the Common Core State Standards and push students to apply fundamental ideas to practical situations. Encourage all kids to learn reading, critical thinking, problem-solving, cooperation, and applications to daily life.


Utilize a variety of evaluation techniques to gauge students' knowledge growth and enhance their learning. Different assessment methods that are generally used are Summative Assessment, Formative Assessment, Informal Assessment, Student Formative Self-Assessment, Standardized or Norm Tests

Differentiation and Diversity

I have experience in a variety of classroom settings thanks to my work in public and private schools as well as in urban and rural areas. I consider the cultures, backgrounds, knowledge/skill levels, and learning styles of my students while developing classes, and I offer several ways for them to access the materials. Use a variety of teaching techniques to make learning successful for auditory, kinesthetic, and visual learners.

Life-long Learning

As a teacher, my goal is to inspire all of my students to pursue lifelong learning. One strategy to encourage a passion for learning in pupils is to expose them to possibilities outside of the classroom. Utilize the surroundings to organize educational field trips that connect the lesson's material to the area's resources or history. Use your own life experiences to educate students about the world outside of their neighborhood.

Collaboration and Communication

Keep the principal in the loop regarding all matters. An open relationship fosters chances for support in a range of teaching areas, including curriculum, behavior problems, parental participation, and other difficulties at the school. Strong contact with parents and guardians is important. In order to foster a good parent-teacher relationship, teachers should speak with parents/guardians both when issues arise and when a kid achieves success in the classroom.